TEXAS PRIDE ( 12V335000 ) Car, Automobile & Motor Vehicle Recall Alert Has Been Issued:
Dated: JUL 17, 2012 Texas Pride Trailers (Texas Pride) is recalling certain model year 2012 DTFLB trailers, equipped with Dexter Axle brand electric/hydraulic (E/H) brake actuator pumps. Some of these pumps may not have…
For more information on the TEXAS PRIDE ( 12V335000 ) recall, read the NHTSA TEXAS PRIDE ( 12V335000 ) Recall Alert.
To report a TEXAS PRIDE ( 12V335000 ) vehicle safety complaint to NHTSA, including any accidents, fires, crashes, injuries, deaths or property damage, submit your TEXAS PRIDE ( 12V335000 ) car, automobile, or motor vehicle complaint online at safecar.gov.
If you have thoughts on the TEXAS PRIDE ( 12V335000 ) recall, share your automobile, car & motor vehicle recall comments below.